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Phthalates: An assault on your fertility?

Phthalates: could they be affecting your fertility?

What are they?

Phthalates are a series of widely used chemicals that demonstrate to be endocrine disruptors and are detrimental to human health.

Phthalates can be found in most products that have contact with plastics during producing, packaging, or delivering.

Chronic exposure to phthalates will adversely influence the endocrine system and functioning of multiple organs, which has negative long-term impacts on the success of pregnancy, child growth and development, and reproductive systems in both young children and adolescents.

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The Wim Hof Method: The cure for men’s sperm health? 

Want to biohack your way to better sperm health?? Well I have just the remedy!

The famous iceman is taking on the world’s health issues and transforming them through breath, cold dipping while becoming committed, conscious and empowered.

I spent a week in Poland exploring the method and got first-hand experience of the science behind the method and a practical exploration of the power of the method and the man behind it.

Why you may ask can it help with male fertility??

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Men’s Sperm Health 101: How to Upgrade it

Healthy sperm is turning into gold dust these days. Why?

Since my work began in fertility almost 10 years ago, it was always women walking through my clinic doors but now I treat both men and women and the amount of men that I treat has doubled.

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Inner Child Work: How to connect to her

Have You Connected to your Inner Child today?

A powerful tool in psychology and one I use a lot in my work to help people heal their wounds is that of the Inner Child. What exactly is this inner child? Does it truly exist?

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Fertility: How to get pregnant naturally

With IVF and it’s effects on a woman’s long term health, you may feel unsure of what direction to go if you want to conceive naturally but are having little luck to date. Look no further.

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Fertility: Why hypnosis works

We all know how natural methods such as acupuncture assist in successful conception but have you thought about the power of your own mind? Working with your subconscious mind to release the blocks that are stopping you getting pregnant is a sure fire way of activating your fertility, naturally.

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