Empowered Conception: The Future to Rising Fertility Success Rates

Approximately 1 in 7 couples in the UK experience difficulty conceiving. This translates to around 3.5 million people affected by fertility issues.  That is just over 5% of society and a statistic that is growing year on year.  Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other ART procedures are commonly used to treat infertility. In the UK, over 68,000 IVF treatment cycles were carried out in 2019, resulting in approximately 23,000 babies born. 


It’s been 40 years since the first IVF baby was born in the UK but we still don’t really know the consequences of being born by this method on the baby or mother.  Back in 1990, test tube babies were front page news with articles exploring the ethical and moral arguments for and against but now it is common for a couple who have ‘tried’ for a baby unsuccessfully for several months for a baby, to turn straight to IVF.  In this fast, fast, fast society are we reaching for this procedure too quick and have we explored all other very successful methods, that don’t come with the small print.  There is on-going debate regarding those that embarked on IVF having a higher chance of heart disease, strokes and cancer due to the hormonal surges linked to the procedure.  In a world where informed consent is more crucial than ever, are we asking the right questions, exploring the right avenues and making truly informed choices when it comes to this method of conception or are we foregoing future health implications because the desire to conceive is so great? 


There is no doubt that this is a hugely profitable industry - The UK IVF market was valued at £417 million in 2018 and is estimated to reach £242 million by 2026, (Allied Market Research). The global in vitro fertilization market size stood at USD 16.89 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 36.39 billion by 2026,


The average IVF baby costs £4-6000 (not including medication or any extras and it takes an average of 3 cycles per couple which works out about between £12-18,000 and this, most of the time, comes out of the couples own pocket unless you fit the National Health services’ criteria which varies depending on geography and age.


As it stands and as the statistics show, IVF rates are increasing while fertility rates are decreasing and the financial, emotional and physical implications are huge for the couples involved.  It is a scary prognosis to comprehend that you may not be able to conceive a child, a god given right and often a women’s souls’ calling but it feels like as a society, we are handing over the power to a much bigger entity where profit is king.  What if we could enjoy a more empowered approach that didn’t burn holes in ones’ pockets and hearts?

What if there was work that we could do prior to the invasive procedures in fertility clinics?  This is not to say, that there isn’t a place for ART but perhaps it is the last resort, NOT the first port of call.


If Big Pharma and its relationship with the media is so strong, how can we know about another way when from all directions we are receiving messages that IVF is the norm and the way to go.  And how can we as women feel empowered about ourselves and ability to conceive when the messages tell us otherwise.  The subliminal messages about women’s ability to birth have been pumped into us making over 40% of births medicalised (unnecessarily) and the same is happening with conception.  Women can birth without intervention, it has been proven that women left in an oxytocin rich environment can birth easily and effortlessly particularly when underlying fears are given space and the same applies for getting pregnant.


First and foremost, from a physiological perspective, a woman’s body inherently knows exactly how to conceive and nurture a healthy baby.  Fact.  It’s only natural that when conception does not occur after a period of time though, you might start to question your body’s natural ability to conceive which ultimately and eventually leads to deep emotional and spiritual questions being asked.   It is in this moment of discomfort that we retreat to the modern world’s mode of operation, to problem solve and reach for the assisted methods of conception in a bid to feel like we are moving towards our goal to have a baby rather than sitting in the discomfort of what is presenting itself.  We want to feel in control when life feels out of control.


The mind body link cannot be ignored. While much of the medical system would have the mind as one thing and the body as another, it simply is not the case.  Renowned physician and addiction expert Gabor Mate cites many studies, in his latest book ‘The Myth of Normal’, how early trauma creates manifestations in our body resulting in dis-ease in later life.  Diseases such as autoimmune disease has been link to suppression of self, breast cancer is linked to women who have experienced divorce (our breasts are the wings of our hearts).  The same applies to fertility which is linked to our early experiences and limiting beliefs.  There are a multitude of blocks that lie dormant in our subconscious mind that are creating a disconnection in our fertility system and a hormonal disruption that isn’t conducive to successful conception.  Such blocks can be; fear of hospitals, fear of being rejected by the baby, fear of being a bad mother, fear of weight gain, fear of abandonment, fear of disconnection, fear of change and many more.


Our subconscious is designed to protect us, so it does what it knows has worked for us in the past and if our early beliefs are based on fear of hospitals, parents abandoning you, of not being enough then these beliefs systems are going to leak in to your ability to conceive as your body will match your thoughts (conscious and unconscious) and short circuit your hormones for conception in a bid to protect you from your early belief systems.  It’s a vicious circle.  It’s like having an out-dated software that needs upgrading.  Imagine being able to hack your mind and body to create successful pregnancy because you to the root of the issue (the outdated belief) and understood it, felt it and then changed it?  Isn’t this true empowerment where you are taking action to reprogramme you, your past and make way for a future you are choosing without the medicalisation of conception, financial, emotional and physical depletion?  An empowered approach to fertility beckons to remind women of their strength, capabilities and innate strength and the time is now.  We have to cease our reliance on a medical system that isn’t always putting our best interests first and instead is based on a profit driven model at the detriment of our mental, physical and emotional health.  If we do the work with our subconscious minds, reset and realign the mind and body for success and trust in our amazing abilities to conceive, grow, feed and nurture our baby, then wouldn’t that be true empowerment and a reclamation of our deepest wisdom as a woman.


Find out more with the Fertile Mind and Body programme with me Cat Raincock, The Women’s Well-being Coach.  Check out www.catraincock.com/fertility

If you want to know more and are ready to take a different journey towards conception, I’m offering a free 30 minute consultation.  Let’s talk.






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