My own personal journey, after having my two children and a meltdown, bought me to training as a hypnotherapist and fed my passion to understand myself and my mind.
My story
Becoming a mother at aged 35 was the catalyst and yet not the cause of my life’s undoing. I’m a former TV presenter and interior designer and despite a childhood in which, like many little girls, I dreamed of marriage, babies and the perfect home when I gave birth to my son in 2012, I experienced what I can only describe as “a slow melt down.” Gradually, with control and perfectionism my masquerade, the veil began to slip.
My daughter’s birth two years later confirmed what I had on some unconscious level already known – that beneath the desire to present a perfect picture of domestic bliss and adoring motherhood to the world, unhealed pain was threatening to cause an explosion in the carefully curated life that I modelled.
My births, triggered the rebirth of me and a journey of accessing my past, my brilliant subconscious mind and reprogramming of my beliefs systems, nervous system and self, back to whole. Returning me to a balanced, peaceful and happy woman, loving mother and passionate wellbeing coach.
My story is my medicine. I have walked the path and lead by example.
My tools
It’s all about accessing the subconscious mind through regressive hypnosis, compassion, empathy and gentle guidance. When we do this, we can understand the root cause of the presenting issue, change our minds with neurolinguistic programming and release the stuck energy out of our bodies through conscious, transformational breathwork.
After almost 10 years of helping women thrive, I have developed a set of tools that leads to beautiful transformations in my clients that want the change, are ready to repair and find balance within themselves.
It’s a carefully curated box of tools, designed just for you and your needs and always designed with love and a commitment to returning you to your whole self.
mind + body +breath = balance
My philosophy
Almost 12 years on, I am committed to encouraging women to cast off the social and inherited shackles which numb us and prevent us from honouring what we feel and pretending ‘we’re ok’ when we are not. This leads to a disconnection from ourselves and from our own peace, health and liberation.
This is not just about mothers but women as a whole. It’s time we looked inside and taste the freedom of being our truest self.
This starts with understanding our early years, beliefs systems and blocks, shacking them up and reconnecting us to our hearts and souls.
My loves
My journey has taken me to the depths of the Peruvian jungle working with plant medicines, jumping off waterfalls into freezing water with the Iceman Wim Hof and holding 100 person breathwork sessions in the fields of Kent.
When I’m not in session, you can find me holding Women’s retreats, supporting women to birth and activating women’s fertility.
And of course, rearing the next generation of conscious beings, my two children.
My moto
‘It all starts in the mind’
if we can make friends with our subconscious mind, life becomes a lot easier.

Are you ready to live an empowered life as a woman?