You were Born to Shine
The Modern Women’s Guide to a Happier Life
The book that gives you tools to rid yourself of self limiting beliefs. Transforms your confidence and shows you your own magnificence.
After all, you were born to shine and nothing less will do.
My story
Cat Raincock is your typical girl-next-door Londoner, women’s mentor, clinical hypnotherapist, mum of two, and author. Obsessed with: celery juice, her dog, and yoga pants. It’s her passion helping women everywhere live life as their true selves. She didn’t always have this life: the amazing family, beautiful home, fulfilling career… in fact, 11 years ago her life looked and felt very different. She was newly married and had two kids but she felt empty. Despite ticking the boxes that society told her would equal happiness, she felt lost, stuck, overwhelmed, underwhelmed and desperately wanted more from life. Was this it?! She made a commitment to herself to change her life and has dedicated the last few years to her. She should have known that the girl who grew up dreaming of being an actress wouldn’t settle for a mediocre life. She changed her story, so can you.
My mission
My mission is to empower women. To show them and you there is another way. To give you tools to change your life for the better. You deserve to have the life you dreamt of as a kid and to fulfil your potential, to rid yourself of self-limiting beliefs, to be happy, free, living your passion and your purpose. I was an ordinary girl who learnt some key things and now I live an extraordinary life and I share them with you in this book.
This is for every woman who has experienced events (big or small) during her childhood that may have taken a toll on her esteem. We all need a boost, we have all had our confidence knocked at some stage in our life but we can change that as of today.
My story is here to show women that there is hope, you do matter and there is more to life than what you are experiencing. This book has been created for the women ready to upgrade their self-worth, transform their self-esteem and rebuild their confidence.
Book Reviews
Born to Shine will be your complete companion in rediscovering your worth and living your life from a place of healthy self-esteem and inner confidence. As your typical girl-next-door Londoner, Cat Raincock brings a smile to your face with her heart-warming stories and down-to-earth advice. Through her courage and vulnerability, Cat ensures no stone is left unturned in this guide, leaving you yearning for more self-love and healing than you've ever felt before. Shining bright never looked so good.
Sean Patrick, That Guy’s House
For all those of us who know what it is like to live with the inner bitch, this book teaches us how to transform her into your inner BFF! It is written in a lovely, gentle, conversational and clear style, that helps to guide you through the ups and downs of getting to know -- and love -- yourself. I found it resonated on so many levels, largely because I feel that it is written from the heart. I really enjoyed working through the exercises, and to be honest, could have done with even more to help me do the clearing work. If you're struggling with the negative voices inside your head, I urge you to pick up this book and let it help you find your way to inner peace.
It’s rare that you read a book and feel like the author is speaking to you on such a personal genuine level. I found so much resonated in this book, especially as a mother trying to balance all that life brings and sometimes not always feeling I am doing this all particularly well. I really felt a sense of encouragement, understanding and kindness emanating from the pages as well as tools to overcome some of what I had been feeling and struggling with. A really easy read yet informative on what felt like a psycho-spiritual level touching both my heart and mind. I already feel the difference!