The subconscious mind is responsible for the automatically triggered feelings and emotions that you suddenly experience when facing a new situation. For example, if you once gave a presentation that you forgot all your notes for and it went terribly, the next time you step up to public speak your mind gets triggered back to the scenario years before where you felt feelings of embarrassment and shame because you fluffed the presentation without your notes. Therefore the fear and anxiety feelings you feel the second time around are triggered by your subconscious recollection of a similar scenario years before. It matches any new scenario, situation or feeling with the old programming. And, as a consequence, your body launches into fear because it has recognised the situation and matched it to the one you encountered years before.

Your subconscious is like a huge memory bank and its capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores everything that has ever happened to you - by the time you reach the age of 21, you’ve already permanently stored more than one hundred times the contents of the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica.


There are various misconceptions about hypnosis. First, that it is all about looking into a crazy therapist’s eyes while they dangle a pendulum in front of your face and then you will be ‘under a spell’ where you dance around doing silly things making a fool of yourself, like the famous Paul McKenna show on television some years back. The show was entertaining but far from how I practise hypnosis.

Hypnosis is simply a form of deep relaxation and involves the induction of a trance-like condition, much like when you are daydreaming and you go into autopilot. But when a client is in hypnosis, they are actually in an enhanced state of awareness, concentrating entirely on the therapist’s voice. In this relaxed state, you bypass the critical mind and suppress the conscious mind (the voice you are more familiar with, that you hear in your head) while the subconscious mind is unlocked and you are able to access old memories and emotions.

I like to think of hypnosis as the key to an old filing cabinet stuffed full of dusty old documents and information that you think you need in its entirety. When you get the key and open it, you can tidy it, throw out old stuff, keep the good stuff and then make way for more documents – fun ones, full of colour and inspiring words. Hypnosis has the ability to unlock stored emotions in the mind and this consequently makes way for good health – the clear mind equals a healthy body. Think of it as trapped energy being released, allowing a flow to return and harmony to be restored.

Case study

I had a client who came to me after ten years of talk therapy, along with various other methods, but despite that she could not lift the feelings of worthlessness. Hypnosis was her last resort.

When I regressed her under hypnosis, we got right to the core issue in the first 20 minutes of the session. It was all linked to her mother not having enough time for her and allocating more time with her younger sibling.

This had led to feelings of inadequacy and a core belief that he wasn’t lovable. Her early experiences as a child had shaped her future and at the age of 50, she was still running the same thought patterns, despite hours of talk therapy.

It is important to get to the subconscious and uproot the memories so that you can reframe them, understand them and let them go.

we got right to the core issue in the first 20 minutes of the session.



Breathwork is the practice of consciously using the breath or breathing techniques for a specific period of time and for an outcome. Breathwork cultivates self-awareness, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

I teach conscious, connected breathing which means there is no gap after each breath.  It’s done lying down on your back in a comfortable position, while music is playing to help motivate, relax and release anything that’s stuck within your mind and body. I guide you through the process and use a variety of tools to activate your senses and create a safe and beautiful space to heal and ultimately release. It’s powerful and can have profound effects as it by-passes the ego mind and rational brain and drops you in to your body.  When done with a specific intention it brings quick change, answers to issues that been stuck and life changing illuminations.

what to expect..

  • * Massive stress relief and deep relaxation

    * Access to expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity

    * Transcendence of the mind and emotions; awakening to the truth of who you really are

    * Release of toxins from the cells of the body
* Ability to manifest greater abundance

    * Deep healing of wounds, grief, and traumas

    • Greater self-love and more loving relationships

    * Emotional Balance

    * Relief from physical pain

    * Overwhelming feelings of joy
* Deep inner peace.

  • The whole sessions is curated to bespoke music.

    During the 1 hour session, you can expect to release old, stuck emotions. This might come in the form of crying, shaking, sweating, laughing.

    You may experience physical sensations which is just the stuck emotions moving out of the body

    You may feel intense relaxation and blissful states.

  • We practice conscious connected breathing which means it’s circular - one breath after the other.

    It is a two breath in sequence - into the stomach, followed by a top up in the chest and a relaxed out breath.

    All breathing takes places ONLY through the mouth.

    Your eyes are closed at all times.

    This is practiced lying down with a flat back.

  • Contraindications for Breathwork are epilepsy, bipolar, schizophrenia and pregnancy.

    If you are pregnant and choose to do a session please DO NOT do the retentions. 

    Please note that you are taking full responsibility for your choices and accept that it is at your own risk. I accept no liability. 

    If you do not have a support system in place at home with a therapist, family or friends I suggest you do not do Breathwork - it does bring up old emotions for release and can be triggering.


  • Stay with the breath throughout and i promise you a euphoric experience.



Whether you have signed up for coaching, birth or fertility, I support and guide you throughout the whole process. It can be uncomfortable to look deep within ourselves, to understand our fears and release them but having walked the path myself I guide you gently through.

All my packages have round the clock support through the app Voxer where you can reach me with questions and any emotions that come up.