my Sustainability Manifesto
My commitment to Mother Earth, the first Mother, our greatest teacher and healer.
Doing things that help the planet makes my heart VERY happy. From my handmade wedding in Ireland to a promise to never put my babies in disposable nappies. I am constantly learning and growing and I have plans to be Net Zero by 2030. I am currently carbon neutral, which means the carbon emissions we can not currently reduce are off-set by investing in renewable energy systems through Carbon Footprint. As my business is run out of my home, my plan is to make my home Net Zero by 2030. (Net Zero is when you have reduced your carbon emissions to the lowest level that is possible and you off-set the remaining emissions). My home office runs on renewable electricity supplied by Ovo Energy, a company that supplies 100% renewable energy and consistently scores amongst the highest energy companies for its commitment to renewable energy. The home office is currently heated by gas through Ovo Energy. My Kent retreat venue runs on renewable electricity supplied by Bulb, a company that supplies 100% renewable energy and consistently scores amongst the highest energy companies for its commitment to renewable energy, while the coach house runs on an air source pump.
I am working on making the supply chain to our home office as green as possible. We opt for suppliers who use electric van or bicycle deliveries, wherever possible. We buy our stationery from a green office supplier. We all bike, walk or take public transport as much as possible. As we choose circular, regenerative brands for our home, these are all available at our office.
I buy organic food, as much as possible, and buy fish locally and seasonally and eat meat less frequently, and buy only pasture-fed organic beef and lamb. I support local farmers, businesses and organic suppliers.
I am me and i work alongside other women who work on a freelance basis. I strive to pay above the minimum wage and pay within a week of being invoiced. I am inclusive , and I take regular brain breaks and rest periods so that we stay well and happy. Communication is key to open and lasting relationships.
My work is all about empowering women, and each other, by celebrating our talents and our creativity.
All the home and office supplies we buy are certified cruelty-free, and we only buy meat from butchers that make sure that the meat they source comes from animals that have lived happy, comfortable and healthy lives. We mainly buy wild fish, which is fished seasonally and locally.
I am obsessed with durability, reusability and circularity, seeing buying less, and buying better as a way of slowing down the damage of over-production and over-consumption. Quite simply, it makes me feel happy! I do my best to buy second-hand where possible, and will pay more for better quality products when I need them. Where I need to replenish products, like cleaning products, store produce and beauty products, we use circular companies, to minimise our waste.
I donate at least 2% of our profits to TreeSisters, a charity that is reforesting the tropics, where trees suck up 30% more carbon dioxide and symbolises for us the regenerative power of people – in this case, women – when they put their mind to a task.
I am here to support like-minded businesses partiuclarly other women and showing that we are a collective and only then will this planet thrive. My vision, ethics and sustainability are key to making change.
Quite simply: Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this Earth forever.